There is nothing like the thrill of being presented with a space and told "Go for it!" There are size specifications of course, but I have been blessed in being able to present what I feel the space requires or, more importantly, deserves. Whether a public building, private home or an office, it is a wonderful gift to be able to delve into personalities, private office space or homes that are extraneous. The exploration of the location or traits of the character inhabiting the space is inevitably inextricably intertwined with the completed piece of work.

Jacqueline Tiepermann


Oil on Linen 55x55cm 2021


Oil on Linen 55x55cm 2020


Oil on Canvas 51x51cm 2020


Oil on Belgium Linen 96x84cm 2020


Georgia On My Mind
Oil on Linen 44x36cm 2020


It's Cool Out There
Acrylic on Canvass 122x91.5cm 2018


Manhattan Splash
Acrylic on Canvass 91.5x122cm 2018


Camp Cove
Oil on Canvass 122x152cm 2016


Fifty Shades of Grey
Oil on Paper 57x77cm 2014


Gallery exhibition
Oil on Linen 200x205cm 1996


Oil on Canvas 150x180cm 1998


Oil on Canvas each panel 30x76cm 2005


Somnolent inlet
Oil on Linen 167x183cm 2005


New base
Oil on Canvas 1999


Grampions burning
Oil on Linen 133x207cm 2005


Oil on Canvas 106.5x168cm 1997


Oil on Linen 163x130cm 1990


Oil on Canvas 134x205cm 1994


Fading memories
Oil on Canvas 168x244cm 2000


End of north road Brighton
Oil on Canvas 122x244cm 2005


Oil on Linen 132x132cm 2007