'Children First' is a Melbourne based not-for-profit charity. Their mission is to collaborate with exceptional health professionals enabling life-changing surgery, and to provide holistic care in Australia for disadvantaged overseas children who are entrusted to us. The Foundation has a proud history built on the belief that excellent medical care is a basic right of every child regardless of where they are born. More information about the charity is available on their website http://childrenfirstfoundation.org.au

Over the years Jacqueline has extended her support to the Children First Foundation through regular donation of paintings, including Nushi X, Tranquility 2004 and Tranquility 2006.

Nushi X

Nushi X Oil on Linen 140x160cm (2015)


'A Window Between Worlds' is an organization that provides art classes to traumatized individuals of all ages and across the USA. Check them out - https://awbw.org/. AWBW invited me to create 3 'Touchstones' (paintings set in glass) which will be auctioned in September 2016. On the back of each painting I wrote "Do not underestimate the healing power of these three things, Art, The Stars and The Ocean." Thank you Lindsay, it was a privilege to paint them.

The touchstones I created for 'A Window Between Worlds' in 2016.

Jacqueline Tiepermann (2016)