Entrant to the 'Archibald Prize'

Artist's statement by Jacqueline Tiepermann:

"Georgia on My Mind” is about the love & respect held in the depths of my soul for my daughter Georgia. We are inextricably linked, she is my best friend, confidant and when her father passed away, she was my savior; for some time there was a role reversal; her strength was astounding. Blind Freddie can see Georgia is more than gentle on the eye, however, to have true beauty, inner loveliness must reside; it does, in abundance! Truth to be told, to capture Georgia’s external beauty is beyond my talent. Ambitiously instead, I endeavored to capture her attributes through colour and form. Her strength highlighted in her eyebrows & depth of colour under her chin says she does not suffer fools lightly. Her fortitude is in the sweep of her nose, kindness, modesty & compassion highlighted in the tender colours in her skin & around her eyes. Georgia’s warmth radiates; easily recognized by all who enter her domain. Georgia is devoted to family, the perfect wife & mum to her three boys, she is the staunchest of friends. Her sense of frivolity and playfulness has always been her persona, this is described through the flamboyant colours in her hair. Her coquettish, ever so slightly turned up mouth is a hallmark facial expression, it speaks volumes about her playfulness.

2020 Archibald entry - 'Georgia On My Mind' - Oil on Linen 44cm x 36cm


Entrant to the 'Wynne Prize - Art Gallery NSW'

Artist's statement by Jacqueline Tiepermann:

“Sound of Silence” speaks of the tranquility below the surface of nature’s masterpiece, known as the Great Barrier Reef. In this painting I have sought to accomplish a meditative experience. It is my desire for the spectator to be submerged by the depth of colour surrounding the underwater vegetation, before embarking upon a journey around the canvas. The plants have been mindfully kept with a sense of consistency, asking the observer to explore & luxuriate in the vivacity of the abundant shades threaded throughout each plant. It is my hope the ribbons of paint, predominantly on the left-hand side, denoting the reef, is where the viewers eye will rest after dancing around the foliage.

2020 Wynne entry - 'Sounds of Silence' - Oil on Linen 152cm x 169cm - SOLD

2020 Wynne entry - 'Sounds of Silence' - close up

2020 Wynne entry - 'Sounds of Silence' - close up


Entrant to the 'AGNSW Sulman Prize'

Artist's statement by Jacqueline Tiepermann:

“Fanciful Florist” speaks of memories, the present situation & future dreams. Although the painting is intricate, it is a blank canvas waiting for the viewer to bring it to life on their terms. The opaque windowpanes are deliberate to motivate one’s imagination into creating what one sees through the window.... endless possibilities! Although most of the foliage is imaginative, it is my hope each arrangement draws a connectedness to a past, or perhaps ignite a current reality happening in the viewers consciousness. Due to the painting being almost devoid of colour and the sculptured flora being made entirely of oil paint, it will play with the light during the day, different again by lights at night. The metal used in some vases have been purposely included, particularly to play with the light in a room throughout the day for movement. Lighting plays a pivotal role in “Fanciful Florist” - it highlights awareness of differing fragments of the canvas whilst consistently emanating an ethereal effect.

2020 Sulman entry - 'Fanciful Florist' - Oil on Linen 165cm x 145cm

2020 Sulman entry - 'Fanciful Florist' - close up

2020 Sulman entry - 'Fanciful Florist' - close up


Jacqueline Tiepermann