Semi-Finalist 2022 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize

Artist's statement by Jacqueline Tiepermann:

Manny Stul is CEO of an empire that entertains “little people” together with their families across the planet! He is involved in a business called Moose Toys, headquarters located in Melbourne. Moose, an eminent toy manufacturer, have won major global toy awards over various categories for years and, in fact, they won the Creative Category of TOYA February 2022 and "cleaned up" almost every category at the Australian Toy Industry Awards this year.

Manny was Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Australia 2015 & Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur Of the Year 2016.

As a family member, I have had the pleasure to closely observe my subject for this year’s Archibald. My aim was to convey the strength behind his understated façade.

The subject’s pale pallor conceals a deeply investigative mind, tenacious personality, a man who questions and evaluates with informed intelligence. One can almost hear his mind ticking over as he absorbs information: storing it all away in the "Filofax of his mind", in a memory that is razor sharp.

I have painted Manny with a palette knife in a multitude of colours in his pallor, emphasizing his humility. I needed to dig deep to intimate what’s going on underneath the surface.

He has a wicked sense of humor, a playfulness in tandem with a seriousness that runs deep.


2022 Doug Moran entry - 'The Toymaker' - Oil on Linen 117cm x 113cm

Entrant to the 2022 AGNSW 'Sulman Prize'

Artist's statement by Jacqueline Tiepermann:

Two years in the making with thanks to Melbourne’s lockdowns, I was given time to decelerate, concentrate and stretch the envelope developing 'Oscar’s Florist.' It was like being a kid in a candy shop with no boundaries, no interruptions, all this alone time allowing my creativity to run rampant, time to experiment, time to forge ahead, time to construct and delve into the unknown.

On initial inspection 'Oscar’s Florist' is overcrowded. Once the viewer engages, understanding they are in a florists shop, enter via stairs in the foreground, they then may decelerate to scrutinise the myriad of flowers, all hand created, some in metal vases coined by the artists imagination. It is the artists hope the spectator will allow the eye to roam from vase to vase. Every flower and petal has been patiently made from oil paint; every arrangement carefully considered telling a story through the artists internal rationale. Case in point there is a metal vase holding heart shaped lilies and it is an arrangement filled with love, all sitting on a shelf in front of a shop window located in a city.

Oscar's Florist

2022 AGNSW Sulman entry - 'Oscar's Florist' - Oil and Paint on Linen 170cm x 150cm

Oscar's Florist

'Oscar's Florist' - Close Up

Oscar's Florist

'Oscar's Florist' - Close Up

Oscar's Florist

'Oscar's Florist' - Close Up

Jacqueline Tiepermann